Jul 16, 2007

The History Behind Hadley Street

When I launched my website http://hadleystreet.blogspot.com/ I was a little apprehensive as to whether my website will have any visibility on the Internet. With the course of time I even had a couple of Google Adsense advertisement flanking my homepage. Then I started posting about topics I had an idea about. Mind you, I worked very hard to have all this typed up. I had foolishly hoped that all this would suddenly make my Blog a top-ranking search result on Google. Then truth dawned this won’t work either; soon I was adding Meta tags feverishly.

For a couple of days I had given up completely, Google listed ‘hadleystreet’ as ‘no search result’ with cruel contempt. Then a miracle happened, I searched ‘hadleystreet’ on the search engine after a couple of days and surprise-surprise, my website was at least visible and also there were just four results. My website was being used in another search engine, that great noble website was- http://vincentabry-swicki.eurekster.com/

Search keywords like Voynich, Horrocks (which are all content words in my site) and they yielded top one result. Finally I was glad that my website was somewhere on the Internet.

As a matter of fact now I am looking forward to publicizing my Blog; make tie-ups with other ‘blogspot’ webmasters. Basically create ‘hadleystreet’ partners or affiliates like http://hadleyavenue.blogspot.com/ and http://hadleypark.blogspot.com/ . Which is one way I believe to get a torrential number of interested visitors and establish a symbiotic link-up. Let the ‘hadley’ brand name become a possibility, of which I’m confident. Do you wish to join me? Or shall I make an offer you cannot refuse?

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