Jul 8, 2007

Spying- The Necessary Evil

Espionage has been implemented ever since man first learnt to wage a war. Chinese military expert Sun Tzu quoted, “Those who know the enemies as well as they know themselves will never suffer defeat.” All great Generals have proved his statement to be correct time and again.

Perhaps the best way to know your foe I by not letting him know that you intend to! For this reasons spies have played a crucial role for centuries now.

Sidney Reilly however has been known as the greatest spy who existed in his time. Ian Fleming, creator of James Bond once said, “007 was just a piece of nonsense I dreamed up. He was not a Sidney Reilly, you know.”

Now concentrating on what keeps the sleuths ticking. One agent marked, “There is a job to be done and you will need some hardware.”

Indeed the CIA and the KGB spy organization have devised and invented gadgets and chemicals that would surprise you to an inferiority complex. Russians leaders are reportedly terrified of the creations from their top poison-making factory. One KGB Chief said, “You just touch something by chance and there’s your funeral.”

This is not an exaggeration; CIA boffins developed a shellfish toxin so lethal that just a drop of it on your skin will cause an instant heart attack to that unfortunate person. Later, the toxin evaporates leaving no clue! It (CIA) has also devised cigars that trigger a nerve gas gun on touching the bands; also ash tray’s which explode when a cigarette is stubbed out- killing everyone within 10 feet.

What perhaps makes spying so intriguing is the naked danger you put yourself, even the government you work for will/may/can turn your back. The risks of espionage vary. A spy may be breaking the host country's laws and can be deported, imprisoned, or even executed, as the Rosenbergs were. A spy breaking his/her own country's laws can be imprisoned for espionage.

For example, when Aldrich Ames handed a stack of dossiers of CIA agents to his KGB-officer "handler," the KGB "rolled up" several networks, and at least ten people were secretly shot. When Ames was arrested by the FBI, he faced life in prison; his contact, who had diplomatic immunity, was declared persona non grata and taken to the airport. Ames's wife was threatened with life imprisonment if her husband did not cooperate; he did, and she was given a five-year sentence.

Hugh Francis Redmond, a CIA officer in China spent nineteen years in a Chinese prison for espionage: he was an "illegal", operating without diplomatic cover.

These are just kind illutration that come before us, the cases of ruthless actions never come before us, they cannot let it-the spies would not let us live for long, if we know the facts.

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